Forbidden City palace in China

Forbidden CityThe Forbidden City is an old imperial palace in China, located in the heart of Beijing and was home to 24 emperor of the Qin Dynasty and Min. The construction of the Great Palace began in the fourth year of the reign of the Ming Dynasty in 1406 and finish after 14 years in 1420. Built on the site of the old palace of the Mongol ruler Kublai Khan.

In antiquity, the emperor was considered the son of heaven and had absolute power. The palace was banned for ordinary people. The Palace Museum is a real treasure of the Chinese historical and cultural relics and is recognized as one of the most important 5 palace in the world. In 1961. The museum was declared an important historical monument. In 1987. He has been nominated for World Heritage of UNESCO.

The Forbidden City is the best – preserved imperial palace in China. The town covers 72 hectares. There are 90 palaces and courtyards, 8704 rooms and 980 buildings. The city is surrounded by a 6 meter moat with water, as well as wall – 11 meters high with a gate on each side. After the palace was built by emperor Yun Lo moved the capital of the state of Nankiv in Beijing.